Errata for Earth Shift Awakening 2027

Welcome, you may use the list below to correct the 1st edition 2023

Below a list typos:

Page numbers:

VIII - Paragraph 8 last sentence change-proofing to “proof”

XIII - paragraph 5 end of 2nd sentence: remove small “a” - “As” I drove along the shore I saw a magnificent,

13. Paragraph 1 last sentence:—which arise from mental patterns that create “personal phobias” of doubt and confusion.

71. Paragraph 3: Notice as you are looking from that empty “hole” in space that nothing on the surface of the torus is touching you.

71. At the bottom of the page it should say: “ See torus view from above

162. Paragraph 3 last line: Earth with her many creatures, human anatomy, plants, minerals, the structure of the atom, and even smaller particles, as well as the vastness of “the universe”. strike the duplication of “the universe.

216. Paragraph end of 1st sentence: When you are awake in Presence, there is open “aware” space in which to “manifest your direction in the” future consciously.

This section is for Sentence’s that are restructured.

240. Paragraph 1 first words: “it. As”’ we continue remembering our broader inclusive awareness, “we will discover” the wisdom of our Soul’s expression and exploration “in new ways.”

248. Last paragraph, second to last sentence: The Deva Kingdom is the “polar opposite” of the manifest Human Being.

252. Paragraph 1 sentence 4: Our “3D” awareness is how meaning “is imparted and woven into the universes’ existence.”

340. Glossary; Deva Kingdom and the Devas 1st sentence: — The Deva Kingdom is Spirit, “an involutionary movement of Spirit and an essential aspect of intelligence, weaving all manifestation including sound, light and the atoms in existence.